For some aspects of radio there is what’s called a QSL card. Basically a QSL card is a confirmation of either a two-way radio-communication between two amateur radio stations, or a one-way reception of a signal from an AM radio, FM radio, television or shortwave broadcasting station. Citizen Band (CB) operators also exchange QSL cards however this in the CB world is actually confirmation of breaking the rules as CB was never intended to be used for long distance communications Section 95.413(a)(9),

No, I'm not that old and VE5 land isn't in BC. Well, it was back in 1936.
When I was involved in an SWL (Shortwave Listening) group in Winnipeg years ago, one of their goals was not only to show off some wonderful equipment but their QSL card collection. It’s like people who collect post cards, just more formal for amateur radio and sometime real wacky for CB radio. I’m not much of a paper-chaser so I didn’t go all out to get awards for talking to X number of places with a QSL confirmation. Radio wasn’t about that to me however I do get QSL cards every once and awhile and here are a few examples I’ve recently received from back in my VE4 days.